Monday, August 13, 2012

Some Useful Insights

The best organizations and their managers do not confuse loyalty with agreement. Instead, they recognize that thoughtful disagreement with one's superiors frequently masks a strong desire to see the company do well, and a strong commitment to the company's goals and values.

This article from the Wall Street Journal online gives some valuable thoughts on disagreeing with the boss and how to do it effectively.  The key point? That disagreeing with your superiors will usually be taken well as long as the disagreement is perceived as trying to protect the boss, or make the company more effective. Disagreeing to promote a particular individual agenda, or for pure self-aggrandizement, does not play well anywhere.

Although I am not a fan of business casual dress, I occasionally participate in it, especially during hot and humid Chicago summers. But the trend itself has been problematic for employers almost everywhere it gets put into place. Especially in white collar, office, environments, where there is always a percentage of the workforce that doesn't seem to understand that business casual does not equal beach attire, clubbing togs, or mowing the yard wear.  Apparently, the pendulum is swinging back from a much more relaxed office clothing standard toward a more formal one, and it's about time.  If you have ever had to tell a coworker to go home and change their clothes (unfortunately, I have), this article will give you cause for celebration.

And here's some guidance on what to wear to work, at least if you're a guy.

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